Working with Medium Density Fiberboard

MDF is a very dense product that is considerably heavier than plywood or dimension lumber. Keep this in mind when transporting and building with it. Other than this slight drawback, MDF is an

excellent building material, as it accepts glue bonds very well and joins securely. It can be cut and shaped with the same tools used for construction and woodworking.

It is best to cut MDF outdoors, as it creates a lot of dust. It is also smart to wear a respirator when cutting or sanding MDF, to avoid exposure to fine dust containing the resins used in its manufacture. When exposed to moisture, unfinished MDF can swell and lose strength, so in applications where frequent moisture exposure is a possibility, exterior-grade plywoods are a better choice. There are, however, special (and more expensive) types of MDF that can be used where moisture is present.


MDF accepts paint best if the surfaces are first primed with an oil-based primer.



Things to Consider When Buying Film Faced Plywood

Physical and Mechanical Properties of WPC Board

How to Distinguish the Quality of Particle Board