How to Improve the Service Life of Construction Plywood?

For many construction enterprises, from the point of reducing operating costs, we all hope that mechanical equipment and materials can effectively extend their service life as much as possible. For example, plywood formwork has become one of the most important tools in the construction of concrete structures, but how can we prolong its service life?

  • Apply oil on the surface

The main material of film faced plywood is still wood. Therefore, in the process of long-term use, it is necessary to avoid warping or many phenomena caused by moisture or sun exposure. In addition, in the process of storage, it is also necessary to set a barrier under it in advance, apply oil on the surface, and then pile it up neatly and cover it with rain cloth or other objects. That can effectively prevent sun exposure or damp immersion phenomenon.

  • Strengthen the maintenance

Construction Formwork has strong durability, but this does not mean that it can be thrown away and stacked at will in the process of use. 

Therefore, this requires constructors to master the correct method of use and learn the correct maintenance method, so as to prolong its service life as far as possible. For example, after removing the plywood formwork, it is necessary to immediately use the corresponding items to completely remove the debris on its surface. It is not only helpful for the surface finish of concrete after concrete pouring but also plays a positive role in the later cycle use. In a word, if you want to improve the service life of the construction plywood formwork, for the construction enterprise, the key point is that the management work should be done properly.



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