How to Avoid Particle Board from being Eaten by Insects

Particle board is a environmentally friendly board with good performance. High-quality particle board requires high-quality raw materials, skilled processing technology and reasonable storage. We should pay attention to prevent particle board from being eaten by insects during storage. So, how to do to prevent particle board from being eaten by insects?

1. Spraying agent on particle board is an efficient method. Manufacturers can apply a layer of insect repellent on the surface of the board substrate, or add some agents to the adhesive.

2. Use some insect-proof wood as the surface layer of the particle board.

3. Paint the board to protect the surface of the board and isolate the board from contact with the air. After the board has been exposed to insects, you can use a brush or other brush to moisten it with some medicament for painting. Pay attention to fire prevention during the treatment to avoid accidents.



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