
目前显示的是 六月, 2021的博文

Why plywood is deformed

The building formwork project is a temporary support structure made according to the design requirements, so that the concrete structure and components are formed according to the specified position and geometric dimensions, maintain their correct position and bear the self-weight formwork of the building and the external load acting on it.  The purpose of the formwork project is to ensure the quality and construction safety of the concrete project, speed up the construction progress, and reduce the cost of the project. However,   plywood   usually deforms after a period of use. What is the cause of plywood deformation?  1. Set up small steel molds, but not set up in accordance with the regulations, resulting in poor overall performance of the building.  2. The foundation of the formwork is not strong, the building formwork is not placed at a level, and the waterproof measures are not done well.  3. When using plywood, after the template is built, the concrete cannot be poured in time

Cracked plywood

Due to environmental reasons, humidity is likely to be the main factor affecting the cracking and deformation of   plywood . plywood absorbs moisture in the surrounding environment, causing it to gradually dry and shrink during long-term use, resulting in cracking and deformation of the joint.  Measures to prevent plywood from cracking:  1. When the room is too humid, it is recommended to take appropriate sealing measures to reduce the moisture absorption of plywood.  2. If you want to avoid such problems, you must minimize the air humidity in the room during the construction period and keep the room well ventilated. Before continuing, try to wait until the concrete moisture content reaches the standard.   ZMADTO Plywood Co.Ltd   is focus on construction plywood & wood formwork product. Our factory was established in 1993 and covers an area of 240,000 square meters with an average daily output of more 30,000 pcs plywood. Besides, the factory has more than 200 advanced equipment. Af

How to extend the service life of plywood

  The   plywood  has become an important tool in the construction of concrete structures, and the plywood has played a very important role in the project. So, how to effectively extend the life of advanced plywood:  1. For plywood that have not been used for a long time, we should apply oil on the surface when storing them, stack them neatly and cover them with rain cloth to prevent them from being exposed to sunlight, moisture or soaking.  2. Immediately after dismantling the building template, use the scraper to completely remove the surface of the template to facilitate turnover.  Effectively extending the life of plywood is an evolution of reducing costs. Through the correct maintenance of the plywood, costs are saved.   ZMADTO Plywood Co.Ltd  is focus on construction plywood & wood formwork product. Our factory was established in 1993 and covers an area of 240,000 square meters with an average daily output of more 30,000 pcs plywood. Besides, the factory has more than 200 adva

5 tips for buying construction plywood

  1. Cracks: It is inevitable that the templates of the middle and low boards have cracks, but too large is not good. Some cracks are generated between the texture of the material. This kind of crack will not extend and can be used with confidence, but some cracks penetrate the texture, so you must not be careless, otherwise the service life will not be long. 2. Texture: The texture is mainly used to determine the quality of the floor. Regular textures are beautiful and generous. Do not use plywood templates with messy textures.   3. Knots: Knots, which can be divided into live cuts and dead knots. Although it is impossible to have no knots as a natural product, the reasonable distribution of live knots will make the template more beautiful.  Premium plywood  are not allowed to have defective knots.   4. Color: High-quality building templates should have natural tones, clear wood grains, and materials visible to the naked eye. If the surface color is dark, it may be intentional to cove

How to choose the right Plywood?

In the construction industry, every small difference may lead to the failure of the entire project, and the Plywood is a very important part. The correct selection of the  Plywood is as follows:      1. The construction of beam and column structure should adopt medium-sized composite building template. Due to the different cross-sections of beams and columns, it is not suitable to use multilayer cutting.     2. The wall form can be used together with the medium-sized composite building template. Due to the uniform requirements of the same type of high-rise building group, the medium-sized composite Plywood helps to ensure a high utilization rate and turnover rate.      3. Ultra-high core pipe-high-rise buildings or high-rise buildings should use hydraulic climbing formwork. The climbing mold process combines the advantages of large-scale Plywood and sliding Plywood. It can be upgraded layer by layer, with fast construction speed, fast construction speed, space saving and tower crane. H

How to glue film faced plywood

  When making   film faced plywood ,   high-quality solid wood veneer or technical wood is generally used as the fabric, which requires cold pressing, hot pressing, sanding, and health preservation.   If you want to glue the film faced plywood, you must first remove the dust on it and keep it clean. Then it should be noted that the temperature of the glue should be controlled between 20-30 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is lower, the curing time required will increase. When applying glue, pay attention to the tools must be clean, reduce the operating time, and avoid excessive aging time. At the same time, in this process, it is also necessary to ensure that the glue is evenly applied and not missed, so as to ensure the quality of the glue.   High-quality film faced plywood can usually be used to make packing boxes. When gluing the lid of the box, it can be glued manually or mechanically. Generally, adhesive self-adhesive tape is used to glue the lid of the box. The seams, so as to

How to prevent insects on film faced plywood

  In order to ensure the good use of   film faced plywood , when processing, it is necessary to strictly control all links to avoid problems.   If you want to prevent insects, what measures can be taken? Because the film faced plywood is made of wood, and the wood has insect eggs, before the board is made, anti-corrosion treatment and insect-proof operations can be carried out to kill the insect eggs, so as to avoid the appearance of insects. . In fact, the easiest way is to soak the wood in water and let it dry for more than two months, and then disinfect and dry it. If you are not at ease, you can also apply a layer of anti-corrosion paint on it, which will completely prevent the appearance of bugs. However, during the use of film faced plywood, we still have to pay attention to its maintenance, so as to ensure its smooth use and extend its lifespan.   ZMADTO Plywood Co.Ltd   is focus on construction plywood & wood formwork product. Our factory was established in 1993 and covers

The post-processing process of film faced plywood

  For the processing of   film faced plywood , of course, a series of processes are required. In the later processing, which processes are required?   It mainly includes preparations for leavening, removing slag, and washing. The main purpose of washing is to wash away the remaining potion on the packaging board to prevent the potion from polluting the board. Before the film faced plywood is painted, the surface of the board should be cleaned. The paint should be evenly painted. After brushing, ensure that the paint is dry. After it is completely dry, you need to sand the veneer with sandpaper until the surface is flat. Brush the paint twice, and after drying it again, check the omissions and make sure that the small holes of the board must be smoothed and clean.   Generally, three or more paint applications are required. After the construction is completed, it is necessary to continue to paint the primer twice, and to fill the pinholes left during the construction, and also use strong

Flame retardant properties of plywood

For   plywood , performance inspection is very important, so how to check its flame retardant performance? Let's take a look.   Generally, there are several methods such as laboratory test, medium-scale test and large-scale test. Because it is to test the flame retardancy of plywood, it is necessary to test its flammability, ignitability, flame propagation, heat release and secondary fire during the test. The effect of smoke generation and other aspects, these aspects are an important part of plywood test flame retardancy. Plywood is mainly used to make packaging boxes. In order to avoid quality problems in future use and affect people's use effects, when making, it is necessary to conduct strict tests on its various properties. The flame retardancy is one of them.   In fact, the superiority of plywood itself is not only embodied in aspects such as custom-made processing, but also in aspects such as materials and materials. ZMADTO Plywood Co.Ltd   is focus on construction plywo

Reasons for Plywood degumming

  The  film faced plywood   board is made of multiple board skins bonded together and pressed by high temperature heating. It is inevitable that there will be problems during the processing. If bubbling and degumming occurs, what is the reason?   The reasons for this phenomenon are mainly concentrated in the selection of veneer, the choice of glue solvent and the control of hot pressing time. In the processing technology of veneer, the moisture content of the veneer and insufficient drying and charging will cause bubble. If the gluing solvent is applied too much, or the optimal temperature and time of the gluing solvent are exceeded, it will cause the plywood to open. The control of the hot pressing time is directly related to the dryness of the veneer, and the production personnel must ensure the reasonable use of the hot press and the veneer products to determine the best hot pressing time. ZMADTO Plywood Co.Ltd   is focus on construction plywood & wood formwork product. Our fact